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Then the faithful Melech Mahommed sat on throne and spent all the rest of his life in the glances of his beautiful Mistress in joy rejoicing mirth and pleasure and the full enjoyment of his desires.

Danadil had no sooner finished the story than Semen Ruh arose and threw herself at the feet of the Sheik “How are you now[?”] said the sheik. [S]he replied, “By your favour I am quite recovered and I now perceive no vestige of my disorder.[“] Azar Shah likewise fell at the feet of Sheik and expressed his obligations. He extolled Danadil and Ruoshen Zemir to the skies and punished the sorceress with the edge of the sword. He ordered the double drums, durms [?] and cornets to be sounded and prepared a royal entertainment and distributed great sums in charity. He invited all the learned men and men of science and caused the city to be adorned with mirrors and declared himself the disciple of the venerable Sheik. After sometime the Sheik requested permission to depart and was attended the first stage by the king with every spices of respect and honour. There the

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