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me a favorable answer that I may know my fate.[“] Gheti Afroz answered [“L]et him take off his affections from me and leave me to the enjoyment of my own destiny. This youth of the race of man who sits here before you will I make the diadem of my bower. Hope nothing from me for I am quite incapable of altering my conduct.[“] The Vizir replied, [“]Thou art done with me and I am done with thee[,”] and immediately departed with a burning breast and a watery eye. Gheti Afroz took the hand of Melech Mahommed and seated him on her own throne and said, [“]My faithful friend in your separations from me you have endured many [diseases?] but now I am wholly and solely yours I devote myself to you and resign myself entirely into your hands. Be you my head the throne the kingdom and myself are yours then.[“] Melech Mahommed heard these words had he been sick for a hundred years he had instantly revived and he repeated
- He that in thirst expiring lay
- Has found where life’s pure waters play
- The wealth of all the world can bring
- No joy like Life’s celestial spring,