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round the ruby colored wine to the sound of mirth and music. The two lovers were all the world to each other and Melech Mahommed kissed her hands and feet repeating this verse:
- All mortal love compared with thee
- Seems like the pathway dust to me
- The dust shall flit in empty air
- Nor ever soil a foot so far
While there they enjoyed each other[‘]s society, the voice of Perizadis with terrible noise and tumult was heard in the Medare and they presently perceived that it was the Vizir of the king to whom Gheti Afroz had been betrothed by her father Ansor Shah. He came as an ambassador and was introduced into the presence of the princess who ordered him to deliver his message. [“]May you attain every happiness[,”] said he, [“]thy Master desires me to say [‘]My heart has for a long time been yours but you have never shown me any affection[.] [M]ean time the precious days of life are given to the wind[.] [I]f it be your intention rather have pity on me and kill me at once[,] for one of your glances is the sign of life or death to me[,] but if there is any kindness in your tender heart give me