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to watch his motions[,] ordering her to hold herself invisible and inform her of whatever should happen[.] [W]hen the Peri heard him express his intention of putting Melech Mahommed to death[,] she instantly set out to inform her mistress who was presently acquainted with all their proceedings[.] [A]s soon as Gheti Afroz heard the news[,] she began to weep and wail bitterly and instantly springing up proceeded to the Court of the Shah[.] [W]hen the Shah enquired for Melech Mahommed[,] Danish Bait informed him that he was in the shape of a dog and chained up in his dog kennel. The Shah directly sent some executioners in quest of him [,] who with great rage and cruelly loosed the dogs and brought them out[,] lashing them severally all the way. [“]This is but cold kindness[,”] thought Melech Mahommed [“]doubtless this day will be the death of me.[“] Fetching a deep sigh he repeated the following verses:

Sweet Zephyr to my love impart
The anguish of my banished heart
She feasts from care and sorrow free
And never never thinks of me
If where my charmers graces dwell
She would but grant her slave a cell

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