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and said to himself[,] [“]I must try to get some news of the Shah and his affairs go on among the Peris.[“] He mounted his horse and when he came near the Palace he saw come running to meet him. [“]Ah[,”] thought he[,] [“]it is the Shah sure enough[,”] and he cried[,] [“]Very well done great prince.[“] Immediately the cat came up to him and he lifted it an[d] placed it in his bosom. Then having sent for the box of Medicine she put a little into the cat[‘]s mouth when the cat whirled round and round and then assumed its own shape. The Shah immediately dressed himself and rode off for the palace. He was more mortified with the accident than ever a person was in the world and said to Danish Bait[,] [“T]here is neither while not stratagem by which I can be avenged of her for a Mortal man like me can never contend with a Peri. Thus far however I can Melech Majommed is her sole delight[,] I will put him to death and sear her bosom with a lasting wound.[“] The Vizier answered[,] [“]Be it according to your Majesty’s pleasure[.] [W]here is he[?”] [S]aid the Shah [,][“S]end for him instantly.[“] Fortunately however Gheti Afroz after the Shah was changed into a cat had sent a Perizadi