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had arrayed herself in sable garments or as the Poet says when
- The Zingi legions [??]ing sad and slow
- O’er earths green visture bid their tresses flow
- While as their blackening ranks debate afar
- The sky glows brilliant as one sparkling star.
The Shah retired to his couch of rest but Gheti Afroz sent for Ruh Afza and said [“C]ontrive by art Magic to turn this Shah of yours into the form of an animal that he may know how poor Melech Mahommed fares so that some comfort may teach that unhappy lover
- When love my friend assails with glances sly
- The devotee will find it hard to fly
- For in a single Moment disappears
- The sage devotion of an hundred years
- Whour the lovers feverish pulse would try
- Must know the symptoms well by sympathy
- Great avecennas skies had all been vain
- Caliph himself had felt the lovers pain[.”]
Ruh Afza said[,] [“W]ith all my heart I myself wished to propose the very thing to your Majesty.[“] In short the first part of the night had passed the Shah was intoxicated with ruby wine.