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God and requested me to inform the Governor of the city that the daughter of the king who was carried away by the doeman (?) was arrived and desired to see him I went and delivered the Message the Governor came with all speed ande Made a respectful salutation to the princess and having mounted her on an elephant in a splendide powder adorned with gold he conducted her with great pomp into the city where he prepared a feast and ordered great sums to be distributed in charity This continued for three days on the fourth having taken splendid presents and innumerable multitude of attendents with him he attended the princess and himself walked on foot before her stirup The princess said to me come along accompany me till we arrive in the presence of my father I requested her to permit me now to take my leave of her and go about my own business as hshe had now attained her desire the princess declared it was impossible for her to leaver me and will I will I mounted on an elephant and carried me

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