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saying [,”] O sun visaged prince, you are welcome. I wished to have the pleasure of seeing you [.”] The Shah advanced in the most respectful manner and beheld a venerable sage of radiant aspect throned on a seat of stone with his face turned towards the centre of devotion (Mecca) and nothing but his mat beside him. The Shah made him a profound reverence which he returned and the Shad advanced into his presence with profound respect. Then the sage enquired the cause of his coming.

[“]It is not concealed from you [.”] said the Shah.

[“] Then [,”] said the Shah [“] in the name of God arise and let us see what the Mercy of God will do [.”]

The Dorveish and the Shah and his attendants set out for the mansion of the ancient man. When Diu Faz saw their approach, he ran and threw himself at the feet of the [shick]. The shick lifted him up and saw that the young warrior was drowned in tears. The sick enquired who it was.

“This,” said the Shah [, “] is Diu Faz [,] oppressed with grief for the loss of his spouse and son [.”] The shick comforted him in a goodly manner -

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