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Vile world my soul by grief opprest

Curses the time she was thy guest

This he muttered as he passed along[.] The king[‘]s spy[,] however[,] came up to him and entreated him not to mention that he had discovered that his motions were watched and then remained behind[.] Diu Faz came into the presence of the Shah who desired him to enter. He made his salutations. The king said: “Warrior, you have been along time about this business. What was the occasion of the noise?”

He answered [,“] It was an old woman who had quarreled with her husband and I have reconciled them.”

The Shah perceived that Diu Faz was affected with profound sorrow and retained something on his mind. When the spy returned the king asked what was the matter and heard the whole circumstances of the case. The mind of the Shah was oppressed with this uncommon act of fidelity and he said [,”] O[!] Diu Faz, you have done a deed which nobody ever said before [.] Then taking his hand they set out together in quest of that ancient [man and]

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