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as he had never beheld[.] His size was that of a hill and his head like a vaulted dome[.] His mouth was a perfect cavern[,] his stature that of a steeple[,] his arm like tall poplar[,] his nose like the eastern mound of a fort [,] his foreteeth like anvils [,] his lips like the rim of an immense black vat and his eyes like basons of blood[.] It was a form of this portentous kind that sat sharpening the daggers[,] which he placed on the ground and uttered a deep sigh[.] When his eye fell on Diu Faz he demanded[,] [“]Who are you and what brings you here[?]” “I am came [,”] said Diu Faz [“] to enquire into the cause of your sorrow [.”]
The ancient man said[,] [“]It is now some time since I have been here[.] The king of this land is pious[,] his race is run and for some nights I have lamented over his fate[,] for such a prince the world will never see again[.]”
When Diu Faz heard this declaration[,] from the form that resembled a blood drinking Diu more than a man[,] he expired a sigh of anguish from his heart and liver and asked[,] “O ancient man is there no way of detaining the departing

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