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ordered the treasure to deburse on the spot The sun requisite for the Marriage and thus were these two constellations of valour and beauty (Jupiter and the Moon) united in a princely and splendid [style] Afterwards the Shah ordered him to [the] send his spouse to visit the royal [harem] In order said he That she may form acquaintance with the ladies of my family
That I will with all my heart said Diu Faz and as soon as he came home he mentioned the King’s proposal to his lady The princess however did not so easily assent to it What have I to do with the with the Kings family said she Once for all that will never do
When Diu Faz met the king Lay long live you majesty said he I have delivered your message but the lady will not assent to it Pray excuse but that she is the daughter of an Emperor The ladies of the Sultan however went one day to visit the princess and were received in the politest stile They were entertained with imperial Magnificence and the whole day was devoted to the entertainment so that the Night was arrayed in her sable vestments before the family of the Emperor [returned]

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