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having gone to the chief to the utter astonishment of every body related what had befallen me Gods mercy be on your head said all of them You have performed a wonderful feat Rosher Zemir said the chief of the caravan nobody ever has or will perform the like, except the young hers Diu Faz and he was a man of mettle who could perform a notable feat and demonstrate his loyalty purely What was that feat asked your humble servant The chief of the caravan answered,

The Story of the Diu Faz or Kill Devil

The relators of Marvellous stories mention that there lived once on a time a young man of Ormus whose name was Diu Foz He set out for India in order to push his fortune and when he arrived in that country he first and foremost paid his respects to the Emperor The Emperor of India asked who he was whence he came and what were his intentions King of the world my name


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