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a certain space we arrived at the foot of hill and I saw [caret sign with no further marking: a?] hole in the side of it of such dimensions that the serpent could enter with facility. When he arrived at the mouth of the den he let me down from his back and made me a sign to go in. Fairly and softly thought I this hole no doubt is your den but why should you do particularly wish me to visit it however said I in god's name let me enter in I went but nothing earthy was visible I presently turned on my heel and met me friend at the mouth of the den. He made me a sign as much as to say Have the goodness to walk back again and kept biting his lips most terribly with his teeth which being interpreted was to denote kile [?] in all or some thing of the kind at least. Doubtless thought I this must be some monsters mansions and what a frightful brute must it be that a beast like you is afraid of the very thought of it put me in a cold shiver. If such a pertetent (?) monster as you be frightened the lord have mercy on my luckless soul I may well be terrified and

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