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the foot of the Hill and by the favour of Providence, brought away the plant in his hand and immediately turning round he began to fly like a bird so that on the tenth day at noon he presented the Plant to the Shah The Shah praised him highly and conferred* on him and sending for Danish Bait he showed him the plant Danish Bait immediately at the command of the Shah Brought some other ingredients from his house and prepared such a quantity of the medicine that if Melech Mahommed had been metamorphised a hundred times into a beast it would have been sufficient to restore him to his own shape The Shah ordered Melech Mahommed to be brought They brought him accordingly and placed him at the foot of the throne Danish Bait said fallous face this time by the fortune and favour of the Shah you are to be come a man else you had died under your disgrace for you had never been curried by me but if you will now take a solemn Oath never again to incur the same I will give you the medicine once more”
The ox saw that the box was again full