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of medicine remained in his uncle’s casket “Lord have mercy poor soul thought he for anything that I see I am utterly undone In this doleful state along night passed away till the beams of the golden sun appeared from the chamber of the East

The Orient moon’s bright banners flew Like [Chosrus?] standards on the view Hope brightens at [churing?] ray And drives intruding griefs away

King Anu Shah rose with the sun and seated himself on the throne and Gheti Afroz like a majestic peacock advanced with stately step to salute him and seated herself by his side after they had drunk some goblets of a morning cordial Gheti Afroz arose and with much politeness took her leave The Shah ordered splendid garments with rich necklaces of pearl and several bashes of [bequiteful?] horses to be presented to her at her departure To greatly the Shah she accepted the pearls and set out for her palace The Shah was still sitting on his throne and conversing with Danish Bait when casting a side glance towards the garden he beheld a horned ox bound to a stout tree by a rope round his neck Everybody was


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