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with great dispatch Gheti Afroz saw that the preparations [ended?] her own both in quantity and quality and repeated,

Your banquet from the foremost dish

Excels [een?] to the lated fish

Blest be your basket and your store

And may they prosper more and more

When the tables were removed the servants were ordered to distribute the fragments of the feast to all comers Having adjourned to the tank and made their ablution another table was set and [bited?] and perfumes brought in Every perfume was lavished that was rare and costly as Sandal and [chua atter?] of roses and saffron amber and rose water according to the prayer of the poet

Yet yet the the massy goblet pour Till joy itself be felt no more Till not a shade of thought remain To [flis?] across my [ruting?] brain

The Shah said to Gheti Afroz Permit your slave to perfume a certain person with my own hands Can you guess who Ruh Afza no doubt said the princess Gheti Afroz perfumed with her own hands the garments of her favorite Izrut Afza and turning to Melech Mahommed with an arch look said It is


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