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on his couch but the lovely Zok Anguz arrayed in all the beauty of Sun with her whole apparel sparkling with jewels. She saluted him gracefully as he entered and the sight of her so warmed his old heart that he could not help breaking out in a [poetical?] rapture likewise.

“No dagger keen no murdering lance
Is deadlier than that piercing glance.
Though lovely as the dawn of day,
That face its charming hints display
Though odorous as the breeze of eve
Thy sable ringlets interweave
No dagger keen no murdering lance
Is deadlier than that piercing glance.”

Then seizing the hand of his charmer he proceeded to recruit his energies with another goblet of wine.

Melech Mahommed who had same idea of what was going forward perceived that the same was likely to hang heavy on nobody’s hands but his own; so, mustering all his courage he took way to the charmer of Ghete Afroz “Let us hope the best thought he who knows what the force of good example may effect.” When he entered the chamber he saw that the princess was waiting for him. She cried come

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