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From the eye of heaven had fled,
One tearful star of envious Zend.”

The fair laid hold of an emerald flagon and a diamond goblet and as she joined the party the chamber was illuminated with her beauty when the eye of the king Anu Shah fell on that ravisher of hearts he quite distracted with admiration exclaiming in a doleful tone:

“Who fills my soul with new alarms?
Are these the fair Zulukhas charms?
Or beaming with celestial love
Some angles from the blest above
Sweet on her placid features lie
The tender Mercies of the sky
And clam as life’s eternal stream
A mild celestial softness beam.”

He anxiously asked Pheti Apoz the name of the conqueror of hearts. The princess, who did not greatly approve this indication of the steadiness of the Shah’s affections, said in a [allered?] tone “She is a Lady whom I greatly respect and who holds the first place in my affection of all the Houris and the Peris and her name is Izrat Afra.” At the same time she proposed to visit the upper apartments.

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