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entertainment affords me pleasure. “The foot of the Padshah” said she “brings prosperity and happiness” She then beckoned Ruh afra to introduce the cup of friendship Ruh afra with the rosy complexioned cupbearers instantly brought in the rosy tinted wine and Gheti directed her to present the goblet to the Shah at the same time telling Lok angur the Houri to hand a cup to Danish Bait mercy on me! thought Melech Mahommed I am going forward with a backsliding pace who can gainsay a Monarches will but who is to be any cupbearer now that the Shah has taken Ruh afra?” The mirth grew more gay as the wine went round till the Shah observed Danish Bait passing his glass “No no my friend” said he no apologies will take to day” “Master of mine said Danish Bait “a fellow like me grown old and cold should avoid such hot headed doings” “What said the Shah “don’t you recollect what people say when they repent of their sins
- When friends the purple goblet fill
- Even sages drink against their will
- The