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Gheti Afroz has no doubt behaved improperly but as she hopes for pardon from the generosity of the Shah she is ashamed to raise her voice in his presence.
He honours not the Lord of day Who lauds the brilliance of his ray Nor shall disgrace accuse from him Who says that motes in sunbeams swim No speck can dim the rays divine That round the sun of impere shine
But since so noble a personage as King Anu Shah is to be her guest it is probably that she may have made proud promises and that the expectation of every eye is turned upon her To disappoint her at this time by frustrating her promise would be to cover her with indelible disgrace Anu Shah too would perhaps say Ansar Shah refuses to grant you the musicians and performances and you falsely boasted of what you could not perform Now there can be no doubt but that she has expected from your generosity that the performers with their musical instruments