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and seated himself on the Throne greatly delighted with the grandeur of the lady’s taste He ordered a royal feast to be prepared and invited all the Vizirs the Judges the Nobles the skillful men of business, and the principal Persons of the city The king embraced Khujisteray rewarded him with the highest honors, and presented him with royal robes and a diadem adorned with Gold and jewels a Scymiter Dagger and Sash of curious worksmanship to gather with the [[steed}} Dewzard]] which he had kept as a memorial of his own Father the bridle and saddle of which were likewise ornamented with gold and jewels That night they spent in festivity; it was like the conjunction of the moon and the planet Jupiter and afterwards Semen Suh was conducted in the most magnificent manner to the royal Haram.

On the Emperors burnished throne

The splendid moon of beauty shone

His heart wild thrilling with delight

He hardly dared to trust his sight.

No sooner had the glance of the emperor lighted on the earth illuminating fair than an arrow from the bent bow of her brows pierced his bosom it penetrated to the very wing and notch of the arrow and he said with a sigh,

Gentle be the beauty reign

Oe’r captives which the smiles enchain


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