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Fifes and the cymbals to be sounded the streets to be adorned with mirrors the city to be illuminated with Lamps and Torches and all the taxes of the country to be remitted for one year when the news reached his former queen Lulullah the sighs of her Pride rose to all the Heavens.
Ah alas! said she what stratagem shall I contrive to separate Semen Suh from the king and expel her love from his heart.
At last she thought of a will she bent both her eyes downward on her feet and skillfully planned a scheme to supplant the Princess.
When Semen Suh learned that the Emperor was impatient to visit her she ordered green carpets and rich garments to be strewed from the streets of the city to the Lanes of the Garden and commanded the Damsels beautiful as [Peris] and her youths whose faces rivaled the moon in gracefulness to present him with Basons filled with Rubies and jacinths and Emeralds and Pearls The King arrived in the Garden adorned in the splendid manner. In every place Semen Suh had caused rich carpets to be spread for his reception, a throne of polished Emerald in one quarter in another a throne of Ruby jacinth and fretted Gold. The Emperor was astonished at the magnificence of the exhibition and