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A gentle shower scarce heard to fall
Spread o’er the sun a shadowy pall
While purpling rose leaves burst to view
Wherever the folded rose bud grew -
It happened that the Shah entered his garden and caused splendid carpets to be spread[.] When having seated himself on his throne[,] the Ruby coloured wine was jovially circulated before him[.] The voice of heart alluring music resounded and Diu Faz particularly was ordered to seat himself in the presence and join in the society when the sun had veiled his imperial countenance and the Moon had appeared in the East -


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Rums bright Monarch from the Hindus flies

And dark the throne of heavenly (Rogers, 16) Jamshid: The fourth King in the Shah-Namah; He was responsible for a great many inventions that made life more secure for his people: the manufacture of armor and weapons, the weaving and dyeing of clothes of linen, silk and wool, the building of houses of brick, the mining of jewels and precious metals, the making of perfumes and wine, the navigation of the waters of the world in sailing ships. lies,
The Mighty former mid the vault of blue
Innumerous forms of beauty call to view
But two fair sisters of celestial line
He bids o’er all their charms superior shine
The golden rose adorns the eldests veil
The silver suits the younger’s features pale
When Khowers Turk for sakes the eastern height
Dark turbaned by the amber look of night