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No man of understanding dare deny it Why men are reckoned men of judgment by it But next to him who can relate a story The hero of the late comes in for glory A man is lucky in this lower dwelling Of whom remains a story with the telling For this good reason Roshen Zemir proceeded to relate a story about his own personal self. Lady of the land I will tell you what said he – I formerly travelled a good deal with the caravans and once upon a time as were journeying towards [Mirr] we happened to pitch our tents at the foot of a hill around which the ground was smooth and level. The day drew to a close the shades of night began to thicken the sun descended into the cavern of the west and the sable legions of [Zanguebar] began to prevail against the brilliant sun of Rum as the song says For in the palace of the twilight skies The graceful queen of heaven began to rise Wan was her [watery?] with grief opprest Like some sweet angel banished from the blest The modest groves like timid virgins drew Before their charms a veil of shadowy blue Fine as the Houris veils in paradise Which hide their charms from guardian angels eyes