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Shah struck up the double drums the trumpets the serpents and the cornets and the [barbuts?] and all the other kinds of musical instruments. The sound of Ansar Shahs drum was heard as far as five [farsangs?] all the world were enraptured at the noise and immediately prepared to celebrate the marriage. [In short?] an assembly was soon collected like that of the blest in Paradise illuminating the world and thus they spent seven days in festive joys on the eight day which was that of the ceremony he ordered all the city to be adorned with looking glasses and to be illuminated with lustres* and torches in the most splendid style. He himself went in procession with all his hosts of Houris and Peris with royal splendor and he ordered his now Juan Bukkt to proceed before him to the splendid palace where the bride resided. There they prepared a throne for the Shah so splendid that it dazzled the eyes of all the world Ansar Shah seated himself on the throne and Gheti Afroz adorned herself in the most [elegant] royal robes for thought she Melech Mohammed will see me while on every side the Perizadis in squadrons and in rows