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<--periesms.101.2.45.pdf--> and scarcely able to smother his resentment squeezed it so hard to his breast that Melech Mahommed began to conjecture that as bottom this reception cost him dear sighing deeply, he recited this verse The harms that from affection spring A soothing joy with sorrow bring But broken vows admit no cure And ever more their wrongs endure After a little the Shah desired Gheti afroz to go and pay her respects to her mother The princess obeyed and taking the hand of Melech Mahommed left the audience chamber entered into the interior apartments fell at the feet of her mother and caused Melech Mahommed to prostrate himself in like manner her mother showed a true motherly temper, [tating?] her soundly and every minute more and more severely Daughter said she if your heart be quite fixed on this man creature there is no help for it but you might live at home nevertheless and keep him to wait in your presence but you have flung of* into an outlandish country and left me with a burning heart to think of your conduct But this I fancy you reckon and dutiful Besides you know I have betrothed you to person who is constantly sending some [messenger]