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couple of skip and Melech Mahommed recovered his own form Clothes were brought to him, and after he had dressed himself, they mounted on horseback and proceeded to pay their devoirs to the Shah The Shah, quite impatient, no sooner set eyes on Melech Mahommed then he asked how he came to quit the society of the Perizadis Oh said Danish Bait they too clever for him it is one the slightest of their tricks to change a man into an ass by the same token that this hopeful nephew of mine has been one for these 9 months Ass or dog said Melech Mahommed it is all too little to drive the pleasure of a single interview with them out of a person’s head” After a full and particular account of all his adventures, Anu Shah requested him to carry a message to Gheti Afroz “For when” says he can we find so proper a messenger as you who have so much frequented their society Of all things in the world this was what Melech Mahommed most ardently desired for he saw he should now have the sanction of both the king and the court whereas he had formerly
