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and they enjoyed the festive board till midnight when their couches were prepared by the basin of water. In a moment a strange tumult spread over the azure expanse of heaven. Gheti Afroz and Melech Mohammed started from their sleep and enquired from Ruh Afza the cause of the unusual noise. A messenger announced the arrival of Filsoof her fathers Vizier. At that instant, the Vizier entered the door and with profound obeisance presented a letter. She placed it on her eyes and having perused it cast a blushful look down on the ground. The Vizier, however, took up the conversation in a stile or respectful remonstrance. “Princess said he “what sort of baseness is this to be engaged in to associate yourself with a mortal man What have the Perizadis to do with mankind? Our whole race are in a passion at your conduct and affection scarce lives in the breast of your father though he is continually representing to himself that—
A child whose faults unnumbered rise Is blameless in his father’s eyes For children joys uncounted give But childless it is death to live
Shake off this base infatuation immediately