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Revision as of 04:48:27, Feb 26, 2012, Edited by
- When Semen Suh beheld the king she descended from the throne and stood before him veiling her face with the fold of her garment The king could not restrain himself but flinging the arm of affection over the neck of desire drew her to his bosom and snatched an invaluable kiss from her ruby lips Having taken the hand of the fair he seated her on the throne and gently unveiling her face the timid drops of perspiration on her sweet countenance shone like the dew drops on the Ruby Rose Azur Shah gently dried them with the fold of his tunic and said.
The timid drops of dew that grace
A jassamine[msp] coloured charmer’s face
Exceed the rapid torrent force
That wastes a country in its course
The attendants all withdrew and the curtains were drawn on the four sides of the chamber. The emperor drew Semen Suh amorously to his side but no sooner did she meet his embrace than the keenness of desire instantly departed and he perceived himself under the influence of a magical charm The king had immediate recourse to his Physicians and Astrologers but they were equally at a loss concerning the nature of his malady and the means of effecting a cure. At last a Magician more knowing that the rest informed him (that)